A downloadable game

Known Bugs:

  • When the game starts, press the F key to instantiate the proper Json file for the game
  • When dying at level 1, the game will not properly reset your health
  • Due to the level generator not always working, press R if you find yourself stuck to generate a new level
  • When pressing the action keys multiple times in  quick succession causes problems with the combat.


Done. Gone. is an endless, first-person, turn-based, dungeon crawler RPG.  You are in a dungeon, and you must survive, for there is really no escape. With procedurally generated  levels there is technically an endless amount of gameplay.


  • W to move forward, A and D to turn either left or right
  • Pressing E while on a glowing tile on the floor, while being a higher level than the enemies will let you move onto the next floor. 
  • R to reload the level, if you get stuck.
  • Escape to close the application.
  • The combat controls are shown in the game.


NC_DoneGone.zip 26 MB

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